Friday, January 16, 2009

The Jews and the History

Memang fitrah manusia kita berasal drpd sth or s'one, right? Right, kaum Yahudi ni pon ada asal-usulnya. And it is my pleasure to reveal them to you people... Here goes.

'Maka apabila ia meninggalkan mereka dan apa yg mereka sembah selain dr Allah itu, Kami kurniakan kepadanya Ishak dan Yaakub; dan ke2-2nya Kami jadikan berpangkat Nabi.' - (Maryam:49)

Dipendekkan cerita, salasilahnye berbunyi gini..

Ibrahim + Hajar = Ismail (Mekah)
Ibrahim + Sarah = Ishak (Palestin)

'Israel' maksudnya hamba kesucian Allah (used to be). 'Isra' means hamba, kesucian, manusia or mujahir. 'el' pula bererti Allah. 'Israel' maksudnya hamba kesucian Allah (used to be). Nabi Yaakub bin Ishak dahulu memegang gelaran Israel dan apabila dia dpt ramai anak (12 to be exact), anak2nya memulakan keturunan Yahudi di Palestin.

And remember kisah Nabi Yusuf and his evil brothers? The evil brothers tu la asal Yahudi ni. Im not saying this for satisfaction or anything but it is right for me to say asal usul Yahudi ni memang perangai jahat.

Anyway, utk pendekkan cerita, after N. Yusuf succeeded in becoming Menteri Kewangan Mesir, abg2nya dr Palestin went to Mesir to ask for help. Then they stayed there for another 500 years.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 500 years past * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
skipping zmn nabi Ayub and Shuaib * * * * * * * * * * * *
Era Firaun bermula.
note: Firaun was never a Jew
Bani Israel yg sudah terlalu ramai di Mesir menyebabkan Firaun dan kaumnya risau.
Bani Israel tika itu (until now pun..) sgt pandai berniaga. They succeeded in everything they ceburi.
//sidenote: Org Yahudi mmg merupakan kaum yg plg bijak (were and still are) di dunia. But despite kebijakan yg dikurniakan, mereka telah menjadi satu kaum yg disumpah dan dilaknat Allah atas kekufuran mereka.//
Mahu bukti? Take a peek...
Movers of Current History
o Albert Einstein Jewish
o Sigmund Freud Jewish
o Karl Marx Jewish
o Paul Samuelson Jewish
o Milton Friedman Jewish
Medical Milestones
o Vaccinating Needle: Benjamin Ruben Jewish
o Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk Jewish
o Leukaemia Drug Gertrude Elion Jewish
o Hepatitis B Baruch Blumberg Jewish
o Syphilis Drug Paul Ehrlich Jewish
o Neuro muscular Elie Metchnikoff Jewish
o Endocrinology Andrew Schally Jewish
o Cognitive therapy. Aaron Beck Jewish
o Contraceptive Pill Gregory Pincus Jewish
o Understanding of Human Eye. G. Wald Jewish
o Embryology. Stanley Cohen Jewish
o Kidney Dialysis Willem Kloffcame Jewish
Nobel Prize Winners
o In the past 105 years, 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel prizes whilst 1.5 billion Muslims have contributed only 3 Nobel winners
Inventions that changed History
o Micro- Processing Chip. Stanley Mezor Jewish
o Nuclear Chain Reactor Leo Sziland Jewish
o Optical Fibre Cable Peter Schultz Jewish
o Traffic Lights Charles Adler Jewish
o Stainless Steel Benno Strauss Jewish
o Sound Movies Isador Kisee Jewish
o Telephone Microphone Emile Berliner Jewish
o Video Tape Recorder Charles Ginsburg Jewish
Influential Global Business
o Polo Ralph Lauren Jewish
o Coca Cola Jewish
o Levi's Jeans Levi Strauss Jewish
o Sawbuck's Howard Schultz Jewish
o Google Sergey Brin Jewish
o Dell Computers Michael Dell Jewish
o Oracle Larry Ellison Jewish
o DKNY Donna Karan Jewish
o Baskin & Robbins Irv Robbins Jewish
o Dunkin Donuts Bill Rosenberg Jewish
Influential Intellectuals/ Politicians
o Henry Kissinger , US Sec of State Jewish
o Richard Levin, PresidentYaleUniver sity Jewish
o Alan Greenspan , US Federal Reserve Jewish
o Joseph Lieberman Jewish
o Madeleine Albright , US Sec of State Jewish
o CasperWeinberger , US Sec of Defence Jewish
o Maxim Litvinov , USSR Foreign Minister Jewish
o DavidMarshal , Singapore Chief Minister Jewish
o Isaacs Isaacs, Gov-GenAustralia Jewish
o Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman Jewish
o Yevgeny Primakov, Russian PM Jewish
o Barry Goldwater , US Politician Jewish
o Jorge Sampaio, President Portugal Jewish
o Herb Gray, Canadian Deputy - PM Jewish
o Pierre Mendes, French PM Jewish
o Michael Howard, British Home Sec. Jewish
o Bruno Kriesky, Austrian Chancellor Jewish
o Robert Rubin , US Sec of Treasury Jewish
Global Media Influential
o Wolf Blitzer, CNN Jewish
o Barbara Walters ABC News Jewish
o EugeneMeyer , Washington Post Jewish
o Henry Grunwald, Time Magazine Jewish
o Katherine Graham , Washington Post Jewish
o Joseph Lelyeld, New York Times Jewish
o Max Frankel, New York Times Jewish
Global Philanthropists
o George Soros Jewish
o Walter Annenberg Jewish
Done. Believe it or not. Why are Jews so powerful and Muslims are so powerless?
Live with this fact: It's because Muslim World is failing to diffuse knowledge.
Back to our topic. Where was I? Oh yeah, reason lain firaun dispises Jews was because e/time ada war between kuasa besar firaun and other kuasa besar lain, Jews always took kuasa besar lain's side.
Akibatnya, Firaun jadikan the whole Jews community hamba (treated very badly) and paksa mereka sembah Firaun. And this goes on for many long years. Sampai anak2 lelaki kaum Yahudi yg lahir akan dibunuh tanpa belas kasihan.
Sampailah satu hari, Nabi Musa diutuskan. He escaped pembunuhan Firaun dan dijaga oleh Asiah, isteri Firaun. A/bila N. Musa dah dewasa, dan dikurniakan gelaran nabi, diutuskan untuk menyelamatkan tauhid n bani israel, dia berjuang menentang Firaun. Bani Israel akhirnya berjaya diselamatkan stlh menyeberangi Laut Merah, dan Firaun n tenteranya ditenggelamkan.
They escaped to Mount Sinai.
But guess what, w/pun br lps melihat wonder terbelahnya laut merah n others, mereka masih start tunjukkan kedegilan.
For example:
.bila mereka sampai kpd satu kaum yg sdg menyembah berhala di Mount Sinai tuh, immediately they asked for a berhala untuk disembah. How ignorance, rite?
.bila N. Musa suruh mereka fight org di Palestin untuk menetap kat situ plak, mereka ingkar berlwn. Why? I guess, they expected Palestine would be empty and available for them without any effort- likes Palestine is not worth fighting for.
But then, setelah N. Musa wafat, Yuswaa (Pemimpin antara b. Israel) susun tentera and serang Palestin. Dengan bantuan Nabi Daud (pd masa tu, dia seorg pahlwn yg sgt2 gagah), mereka attacked kaum kanaah (penduduk sebenar Palestin) n berjaya menguasai Palestin. Nabi Daud dilantik menjadi raja.
Stlh N. Daud wafat, Nabi Sulaiman pula memerintah. Kerajaannya menjd sgt hebat dan gemilang. Namun, ia x kekal. Stlh, N. Sulaiman wafat, kerajaannya berpecah belah menjadi negeri2 ikut anak2nya yg x sefahamn. Kekuatan negara goyah.
Tanpa disedari, Pemerintah Babylon, Parsi ketika itu, Nebuchad Nezzer, ambil kesempatn tu untuk kuasai Palestin. He wanted the land so badly becoz it was a very strategic location. Semua bani Israel dihalau ke Parsi. And Palestine was empty and desolated at the time.
Sementara itu, di Parsi, di dlm populasi Bani Israel tu, ade kumpulan minoriti Yahudi yg dah lama jd duri dlm daging, ambil kesempatn ke atas kesempitan hidup bani Israel untuk twist agama tauhid N. Musa jd agama menyembah syaitan.
Kitab Taurat N.Musa also ditwist kan jd Kitab Thalmut oleh tukang sihir n rahib penyembah setan td tuh.
Note: this happened among the Jews only. When that occured, the whole bani Israel dah ditwistkan. It was hard to find org Yahudi yg masih beriman kpd Allah. That's why until now, if we say 'org Yahudi' it would go for 'agama Yahudi' jugak.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 80 years past * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Pengganti Nebucade Nezzer, Cyrus bg pengampunan kpd Bani Israel and sent them back to Palestine.
Kumpulan kecil 'duri dlm daging' td took the lead. Mereka bermatlamat kononnya nak bina semula 'Kuil Sulaiman or Solomon's Temple' yg dulunya dah hancur, nak bina balik kerajaan agung dulu. But of course that was crap! Masa zmn Nabi Sulaiman dulu, yg dibina ialah masjid not kuil!
But then, Nabi Zakaria, Yahya, Isa telah diutuskan untuk ajak jln yg benar. Unfortunately, rahib2 setan td tu masih memusuhi kebenaran n berpakat bunuh ketiga2 nabi tu tadi...
So, Solomon's Temple tu masih belum dibina. Sebab tulah, Org Israel skrg sanggup membunuh berjuta org Islam di Palestin, so they could take over Jurusalem (Arabnya: Baitulmaqdis), hancurkan masjid al-Aqsa, and bina temple itu on sisa tapak al-Aqsa. They said tpk al-Aqsa is very sacred to them and the temple has to build at that particular location.. But we're not going to let that happen, right people?!
Of course, di mata dunia, Yahudi ckp they made wars because Palestine was just where they came from. 'It's their homeland, holy land, bla bla'. But the truth is, they want to have the temple ready for who else, 'Dajjal' of course. Yes, you read this right, they're waiting for Dajjal. As horrible as it sounds to us, it's beautiful to them, because it's their religion. As I wrote this before, agama mereka is all about worshipping setan. And worshipping Dajjal is their ultimate goal.
They'd do anything to make it happen. Correction, they did everything, and who knows what worse they could do in the future.?
That'd be all for the history of the Jews. Next post, What is Freemason? by my bud, Faith.
Till then,

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