
Assalamualaikum smue,
Ekhem.. Okeys..Tryin 1, 2, 3. Trying....Clear. *double ekhem* Adeh...camne nk start nie...*laughs*
Utk mkluman smue, so far, smue blog yg ana wat x p'nah mnjadi coz well, u know me, MALAZ... But this few days, t'gerak hati nk buat blog nie since ana n sahabat ana rase, still bnyk org t'msk la ana sndiri x taw psl keadaan sbnr..ape yg t'jadi...kronologi...history...n bla bla bla psl stuff like PALASTINE.
So, doakan ktorng, doakan agar blog nie b'kkln sbb mmg bnyk bnde yg ingin dishare taP x t'kongsi-kongsi bcoz tau jer la...sape la ktorng,
x layak lg nk b'ceramah, fakta pon b'trabur plus shy2...n of coz, hw blambak, F4 lak tu, upcomingly koko n sukan...n others.
N since rmai diantare kte yg dh ade blog..meh la pass2 kan bende nie.. Mne tau, hasil effort skecil ni dpandang mulia di sisi Allah n kte bleh same2 share phale yg bleh kte jadikan asset kat akhirat nnti. Amin.. Mane lah tau jgk, yg x aware at last aware, yg aware lebih aware..insyAllah.
N since my current school (SMKA MAAHAD HAMIDIAH, KAJANG) ade wat this big expo each year *EDI*, ana rase rmai yg b'minat ttg isu PLAESTINE ini, rite?
PALESTINE is more than just bende yg bleh diminati, di jdkan bhn tajuk usrah, bahan mngisi kkosongan aktiviti skolah atau bahan utk kte amek taw ble kte rase nk amek tau. PALESTINE, believe me, is more than that. In fact, PALESTINE is so important utk 3 agama n each one of this agama b'juang mati-matian utk PALESTINE or more specifically, baitul maqdis n al-aqsa . 3 agama that is. Get me? 3 agama! Bkn 3 negara, bkn 3 benua, bkn 3 orang. 3 AGAMA!! Agama is like...LUAS GLER...satu dunia, 3 agama nie. Islam, Kristian n Yahudi.
PALESTINE WAR is definetely not a Game of Life or just a simple war going on yg lebh krng mcm world-war 2, or zman Napoleon ke or british take over Malaysia ker or whatever. PALESTINE WAR b'kait rapat dengan kronologi ttg ape yg t'jadi since zaman nabi Ya'kub dulu2 smpai skrng n this issue will last until akhir zaman. N y'all know exactly ape akn jadi time akhir zaman nnti..... Dajjal, imam mahadi, Nabi Isa a.s. n stuff. These are all connected. N right this minute, we are on our way there. Kte, sedang melalui zaman yg suatu masa nanti akan dipanggil sejarah. Ble agaknyer smue pristiwa yg dijanjikan Allah itu akan b'laku...Wallahualam.
Tapi ape pon, percayalah, hidup kita bkn stakt bngun pagi, pegi skolah, blaja, glak2, blik, mandi, buat hw, tido, ble dah besa, U, ps2, keje, pstu kawin, ps2 family, ps2 mati. No.. Islam needs us. N we need islam. N our mission is not the world, but akhirat. So, samada peristiwa akhir zaman tentang dakyah dajjal, kemuculan imam mahadi dan turunyya nabi Isa a.s akan b'laku dlm mase yg singkat dr skrng ataupon tidak, p'cayalah bahawa skiranya kita ambil endah x endah psl hal ni, kte anggap palestine hynalah lg sbuah ngare yg mnderita n we shoukd cry together n help hantar tabung dapur ke ape ke, we are so wrong. Palestine have a history and a fate that has been recorded in the Quran. And emphasizing here, bukak mate besar2...
Ana harap2 sngt, blog ni dpt mmbntu mnjwb soalan2 antum smue yg nak tau dgn lbih lnjut lg psl Palestine.
Knape agaknyer Israel beria sgt nak Baitul Maqdis tu smpai bnoh2 b'juta2 org. Knape smpai stau dunia dah riot pon, die still x nak back away? Sape Hamas? Who the heck is Fattah? Btol ke Israel dah plan bnde nie dah lame gler? N knape, exactly, negare2 islam kat satu dunia ni x leh wat pape? Ape bagus sngt Amerika tu smpai org ckp kuase veto die mnybbkn die wat pape pon kre halal kat mate dunia? N most of all... Knape PALESTINE?
So, lets start, shall we?
Kte tgk sket ape yg standard nyer kte smue tau. Kte slow talk. Ana x salahkan sesape, klau ade diantare kte baru nk start knowing about this thing. It's never too late. N these days, media's info mmg dicontrol abes. N through control2 tu, ade jgak yg smpt2 manipulate kan cter, eg :penggunaan p'kataan TERRORISTS yg b'mksd pengganas. I mean, how logic is that? U defend ur own country n u're called pengganas. Vocab diorng amat sempit la, these reporters.. N of coz, dlm die control2 tu, ade lah sket yg bjaye go through utk berita, newspaper, public awareness... Tu yg die bg lalu.. Tu pon dah ckup................. Cbe bygkan pnderitaan rakyat palestin yg btol2... yg x bleh dbygkan x bleh dceritakan.. adeh.. Kte ni tbe2 mcm x layak lak, dok dpn komp nie, chatting, blogging, glak2, makan2.. Kite ni sape? Manusia gak. Cam diorng gak. Muslims gak. TaP nape diorng jer yg defend PALESTINE? Bkn Muslim'sLand ker? plek la..
So, Things that we might know.
Like, Allah mmg dah jnjikan bumi PALESTINE utk umat islam n the damn, fucking ISRAEL has no reason whatsoever 2 ske2 ati jer amek tanah BUMI ANBIYA 2. N of coz, y'all msti dah tau yg ade 2 parti politik kat PALESTINE. Hamas n Fattah. More about that later. N u guys of coz tau, rakyat Palestine dok kat smpdn Gaza, kem pelarian coz sbsr2 plestine tu ISRAEL dah cover most of it. N barang2 ISRAEL yg perlu diboycott, i will upload the list soon.
So, since ana baru start ari ni n tangan pon dah nak t'cabut mnaip plus chatting 3 box at one time n checkin mail n ltak komen kat blog org lain, ana jusz nak simplify jer n i will continue with my buddy next time. Believe me, u hv 2 know this if u call ur self a Muslim. Wajib. So, till next time. Ana n sahabt ana, si Cokelat chip akan mlekan dengan sejarah Nabi Ya'kub a.s and how exactly Palestine-Israel bende nie start.
So, tingkatkan iman, kurangkan lagho. Salam ukhuwah.
P/s : Since we are both beginners in this blogging world, sori lah yer klau blog nie boring...We're trying.. by :FaithHana
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