My last post was about the Jews and their history. And today, I am about to write sth that is happening right now, this very moment. Some questions and the answers. Here goes~

Map of the past and present.
Palestin diserang dan diperangi.. Israel kini 77% dr wilayah palestin. Until, only Gaza n West Bank (Tebing Barat) yg tinggal for all Palestinians. They became pelarian in their own country. 8 metre tall, thick 'tembok pemisah' dibina between border Gaza, WB and Israel. And inside the big wall, ada Israel. Kononnya nak wujudkan well-security system from Palestinians, when it is actually very weak of them. Pengecut besar!
All schools and facilities are INSIDE the wall. Setiap 400m, ada satu pos pengawal. Palestinians are not allowed to get near to that wall, but sometimes, they'd have to. And every time so, men akan ditembak, women akan dirogol, and only the lucky ones could go through and be back safely.
All survivors are currently living crowdedly in Gaza and WB.
Let's go through the history...
. 1967, Israelis burned down 200 houses of the Palestinians, took over the Buro Bank, and built a plane for the Jews to do their religious worshippings.
. 1969, August 21st, the Aqsa Mosque dibakar separuh drpdnya, and the Muslims near it ran to get water and soil to extinguish the fire. Afterwards, more than 20 bombings occured in attempts to destroy the mosque.
. 1994, the Jews threw bombs and rushed against Muslims that were performing Subuh prayers in the mosque of Ibrahimi. More than 1000 mosques are taken by force and made into livestock stables, entertainment places, and porn studios.
. A tunnel deep under al-Aqsa Mosque is dug for so long by the Jews, even the Muslims did not notice, is intended to weaken the structure of the building and in their hope, it will collapse eventually.
. Penggalian trowong bwh al-aqsa also untuk bina tmpt penyembahan mereka.
Gaza menderita sjk jun 07
. 8/10 isi rmh miskin: 66.7% miskin tegar: pengangguran menigkat.
. Syarikat air x dpt bhn api untuk pam air.
. 20 JAN, stesen janakuasa Gaza berhenti.
Tak cukup dgn 18 bln sekatan2, 27 dis 08, Gaza dihujani roket2 high-tech n tmbakan f-16 yg mmbunuh ramai Palestinians.
. Ada fatwa halal bunuh rkyt Palestin oleh rabi Yahudi.
?Apa Hamas dan Fatah?
Lets start with Fatah 1st. Fatah (headquarter: Ramallah) is a major Palestinian political party termasuk dlm cabang Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Remember the late Yasser Arafat? He was the main founder of Fatah and he led the group til his death in 2004. Unlike its rival Islamist faction Hamas, Fatah is not recognized as a terrorist organization by any government.
Dalam pilihan raya 25 Jan 2006, Fatah/PLO tewas dgn Hamas dlm pilihan raya Palestin. Why did the Palestinians chose Hamas and dispised Fatah? It's simply because they have realised how 'duri dlm daging' and 'mengkayakan diri sendiri' Fatah is. Fatah mengikut telunjuk Barat dlm pentadbiran n every thing they're doing. They did/do not sincerely want to help Palestinians, they are craving for powers and money.. That's why Fatah diiktiraf oleh Barat, simply because Fatah has never become a threat for them.
Problems they've created in Palestine:
1. Tinjauan pendapat in 2005 shows more than 80% Palestinians believe that kerajaan Fatah was full of corruption, so much that pejabat pendakwa raya bertambah untuk siasat 50 kes penyelewengan n penyalahgunaan kuasa n more than USD700 million.
2. Yasser Arafat yg responsible for Perjanjian Oslo 1993 causing Israel terus x iktiraf kewujudan negara Palestin n their rights ntuk pulang ke negara asal (PBB 194-1948). Sebaliknya, PLO b'setuju iktiraf Israel n ended any usaha yg boleh jejaskan kesejahteraan di wilayah Israel. PLO juga setuju ntuk tmtkan penentangan b'senjata n always be alongside Israel to have peaceful settlement with Amerika as org tgh. Kesannya, Palestinians got no benefit out of it and Israel ambil more of their lands, destroyed their home, and built more of Jews' petempatan haram di WB n B/Maqdis timur.
3. Finally, more than half dana was spent by Fatah to create troops of police and soldiers to jamin kslmtn Israel.. (duh). Aspek kslmatn that used to become Israel's burden kini dilaksanakan pihak berkuasa Fatah.

Yasser Arafat (PLO)
from left; Ehud Olmert (current PM of Israel), Condoleezza Rice (United States Secretary of State) and Mahmoud Abbas (current prime minister of Fatah)
And they mentioned they were the only organization/ sole representative of the Palestinians people! (duh.)
And also, currently, Fattah mintak Hamas bbskn one of the askar Israel yg diorg dah dpt capture bcoz according 2 them, it makes the israel mad n it wont settle matters. (like, who cares? why must you bow your head to them?)
Unlike Fatah, Hamas dpt kepercayaan rakyat because perjuangannya yg b'landaskan Islam. While PLO n Fatah fought atas dsr kebangsaan Palestin semata2.
Sejarahnya, in early 1970s, umat islam mula kembali pd dasar2 perjuangan Islam. Hamas started with 'Ikhwanul Muslimin' in Gaza and b'gerak as an organization kebajikan n pendidikan. They managed to organize pendekatan Ikhwan yg berjaya melahirkan kelompok yg letakkan p'juangan p'bebasan Palestin n B/Maqdis sbg tuntutan akidah bg all Muslims around the world.
Since Hamas won the election and bentuk kerajaan (Ismail Haniyeh as the President), media berterusn m'gambarkan that Palestin di ambang perang sedara. Media barat tonjolkan Hamas n Fatah sbg 2 puak yg b'telagah n kumpulan2 bersenjata dilaporkan bertempur n saling berbunuhan di jln2 di Gaza. Do you think it really was what happened? Obviously, media was trying (hard) to picturize that Hamas has failed to fill the Palestinians hopes. Like, they made a mistake when they voted for Hamas, sth likes that.
Sekatan ekonomi n kewangan was done to timbulkan doubts among the Palestinians so they'd gulingkan kerajaan Hamas. These were the problems faced by Hamas:
1. Hamas mewarisi hutang from kerajaan PA (Fatah) yg sgt banyak.
2. Amerika stopkan bantuan kewangan yg selama ni disalurkan kpd Palestin.
3. Israel merompak hasil kutipan cukai that was totally belong to the Palestinians.
4. All saluran kewangan from institusi kewangan n seluruh dunia disekat. Mana2 institusi yg b'buat demikian will be blacklisted as the supporters of terrorism by America.
America's hope to see kecundangan Hamas x pernah jd realiti. Bahkan, Hamas's supporters kian bertambah and still setia di blkg Hamas. Why so?
1. Even long before tercetus intifadah 1987, Hamas have been helping a lot to the Palestinians. Khidmat asas (eg. education, p'ubatan, kebajikan) are provided through NGOs connected to Hamas.
2. Univ Islam Gaza diasaskan tokoh2 Hamas until now ttlh lahirkan ramai golongan profesional. //note: FYI, more than 500 ahli Hamas have PhDs. That shows they're really stressing on education to improve the quality of Muslims today.
3. Pemimpin Hamas live with the Palestinians di kem2 pelarian, rasai bersama keperitan hidup under zionis.
4. Mereka x pernah diketahui taking advantage or involving in misused of power or dana2 n bantuan ntuk rakyat Palestin.
Keadaan ni very jauh berbeza from Palestin under Fatah. Amaln nepotisme, kronisme, corruption berleluasa dah jd p'bahasan umum. Gaya hidup mewah some of the Fatahian leaders has not been a secret no more.

Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, founder of HAMAS

from left, front: Ismail Haniyeh (president of Hamas), Ahmadinejad (President of Iran)
Not long after Hamas took the lead in the country, Presiden Mahmoud Abbas yg x puas hati menuduh Hamas betrayed kerajaan p'paduan nasional. Tanpa bertangguh, Abbas isytiharkan p'bubaran kerajaan sedia ada n pecat PM Ismail Haniyeh.
//:note in country such as Palestine, Prime Minister has greater power than the president.
That act adlh sgt b'tentgn dr sudut p'lembagaan. Then, Abbas also lantik emergency kabinet tanpa through saluran parlimen. Salam Fayed (Fatah dude) ganti Haniyeh. Amerika puji tindkn tu, Fatah disokong ntuk terus menggulingkan Hamas. Just after that, US tmtkan sekatan ekonomi, bantuan kewangan mula disalurkan, rampasan cukai dikembalikan, etc..
You see? They did that to show to the world, "It's your mistake, Hamas! The killings and the bombings Israelis made are all your mistake! If just you listen and obey to us, we will cease fire."
Yeah, right, obey you, and Palestin tergadai. Israel makin besar, and eventually al-Aqsa yg mereka nak sgt2 tu akan terjual. Jgn harap Hamas dan penduduk Palestin akan benarkan perkara2 ni berlaku. Eventhough kini hak demokrasi Hamas dicabul, Hamas's still standing strong.
The world could question why the Palestinians refuse to bow their heads under kuasa besar2 and Israel. But the fact is, the whole world boleh pinggirkan Palestinians sendirian perthnkan hak n bebaskan tnh air mereka. But these few years m'buktikan mereka x pernah tinggalkan p'juangan mereka w/pun t'dedah kpd kebuluran dan tragedi kemanusiaan...
The world seolah2 lupa xde 1 p'juangan pun di dunia ntuk bebaskan tnh air drpd penjajahan n penindsn yg gagal. Seluruh kekuatan boleh dikerah ntuk menekan p'juangan rakyat, but eventually, penjajah juga yg akan mengalah. Masa bukan soalnya krn rakyat sedia b'juang n m'pertaruhkan everything until they capai tujuan p'juangan t'sebut.
?How come Israel boleh ceroboh Palestin suka2 hati then they got away with it? Kenapa dunia xleh wat sth?
Have you heard of kuasa veto? Hak veto adalah hak untuk membatalkan keputusan atau resolution yang diajukan oleh PBB atau Dewan Keamanan PBB. Hak Veto dimiliki oleh Negara Negara Anggota Tetap Dewan keamanan PBB yang saat ini dimiliki oleh USA, Russia, China, UK, and France.
Bush (presiden US ke-43) was a strong supporter of the Jews. E/time Dewan Keamanan PBB nak dakwa Israel atas tuduhan menceroboh n melakukan kezaliman t'hdp Palestin, USA tlh vote for undi bantahan. So even if the WHOLE world menentang Israel (even if 4 of other negara veto lain pun menentang), PBB xleh wat anything because of that kuasa Veto. Everything Israel has been doing kira halal ikut law because USA sentiasa back them up. (that's what happen when you give power to the wrong people).
So, currently, though PBB menentang, they could do nothing except br bantuan kemanusiaan.
And do you notice, negara2 eropah skrg sgt slow br bantahan kpd Israel. Why?
Kosmo!-17th Jan 09; Barat seolah2 mahu memulihkan dosa slps pemimpin Jerman, mendiang Adolf Hitler sanggup membunuh semua penduduk Yahudi (during holocaust). Barat berasa bersalah kerana tindakan Hitler itu namun kerajaan Israel tidak pernah berasa berdosa membunuh ramai penduduk awam Palestin sejak 1947.
?What is holocoust?
Holocoust ialah pembunuhan beramai2 secara sistematik yang dilakukan oleh tentera Nazi kepada beberapa kumpulan etnik, agama, nasional, dan sekular sewaktu Perang Dunia II pd 1941-1945. Selain kaum Yahudi, kumpulan lain yang dibunuh termasuklah kumpulan yang dianggap tidak diperlukan atau "undesirables" oleh masyarakat seperti golongan Slav (seperti rakyat Poland, Russia dan lain-lain), Rroma (atau Roma), Sinti, golongan kurang berkeupayaan (pesakit mental dan/atau cacat anggota) dan golongan homoseks.
Oleh sebab kekurangan rekod, agak sukar untuk menetapkan jumlah sebenar mangsa yang terkorban dalam Holokus ini tetapi dijangkakan terdapat lebih kurang 26 juta orang yang terbunuh dalam masa yang singkat.
Terdapat segolongan orang, yang dikenali sebagai "Holocaust deniers" (penafi Holokus). Menurut orang-orang ini, pemimpin Nazi Jerman, Adolf Hitler, tidak pernah mengarahkan pengikutnya untuk membunuh kaum Yahudi. Mereka juga mendakwa bahawa anggaran enam juta orang Yahudi terkorban adalah terlalu tinggi, dan nombor yang sebenar adalah kurang daripada sejuta.
Kegiatan Holokus dijalankan di semua tempat yang ditakluk oleh tentera Jerman sewaktu Perang Dunia II, biasanya di kem pelupusan. Satu kem ini yang paling terkenal merupakan Kem Auschwitz-Birkenau. Biasanya, kaum Yahudi dibawa ke sini melalui kereta api, dan dibawa ke bilik gas. Di situ, pil Zyklon B dilontarkan ke dalam bilik tersebut. Pil ini bertukar kepada gas "cyanide" yang maut. Selepas kesemua di dalam bilik gas meninggal dunia, mayat mereka dibakar.

Romani children in Auschwitz, victims of medical experiments.
A member of Einsatzgruppe D is about to shoot a man sitting by a mass grave in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, in 1942. Present in the background are members of the German Army, the German Labor Service, and the Hitler Youth. The back of the photograph is inscribed "The last Jew in Vinnitsa".
Setelah Jerman dikalahkan oleh tentera Perikatan, ramai pemimpin Nazi Jerman didakwa di atas jenayah terhadap kaum manusia ("crimes against humanity"). Kebanyakan mereka didapati bersalah, walaupun mereka beritahu mahkamah bahawa mereka hanya mengikut arahan, dan digantung sampai mati. Namun, Adolf Hitler tidak dapat dihukum — beliau bunuh diri beberapa hari sebelum Jerman menyerah kalah.
Good news, people. Berita drpd Aman Palestine, actually Zionis intended serangan for only 2 days is enough ntuk hancurkan Gaza, but then, unexpectedly Hamas mampu b'thn until 22 days. And the number of Palestinians died are much less than what is reported (in news: 1500 killed, more than 5000 injured).
While Israeli soldiers killed are more than 80 (in news: 30 killed). Al-Jazeera is the only media that was let pass through the info, and disyaki al-Jazeera dah ditapis oleh Yahudi. They purposely giving a false statement so that Muslims lemah hati dan bersedih while Kafir2 laknatullah shall rejoice.
Quote from Ismail Haniyeh: "We will eat salt, but we will not bow our heads for anybody other than God."
Asked Ismail Haniyeh to fellow Palestinians: "Would you give up the Aqsa mosque in return for some American and European money? Answered them: "NO, NO!"
Hadith: "Akan sentiasa ada segolongan dr umatku, yg sentiasa menegakkan kebenaran, dan berjuang menentang musuh mereka. Barang siapa yg cube m'hampakan mereka, tidak sekali2 dpt melukakan mereka. mahupun dgn kesusahan yg menimpa mereka. Sehingga dtg keputusan Allah. Maka mereka akan tetap sedimikian." Tanya para sahabat: "Di manakah golongan2 ini akan berada?"- "Di baitulmaqdis dan sekitar baitulmaqdis. Golongan ini akan tetap menegakkan kebenaran sehingga pejuang terakhir antara mereka akan berjuang menetang al-Masih dan ad-Dajal!"
Salam and till then,
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